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I'm happy to announce LuaRocks 2.0.4.

What's new since 2.0.3: (see the GitHub logs for detailed history)

* Command "remove" for luarocks-admin
* Check for write permissions in repository and suggest --local
* Remove .git from source tree when downloading from Git
* Display of external dependencies in index.html
* OpenBSD support
* Plus assorted bugfixes
* Use ("%x"):rep(32) to match md5, as suggested by Doug Currie.
* More thorough search for external libraries
* Normalize paths to fix behavior when LFS is used under Windows
* Add HTTPS support using LuaSec when using LuaSocket, for consistency
* Better propagation of error messages
* Stable sort of persisted files such as manifests

Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this release a reality!

Happy holidays,

-- Hisham