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When called by the lua standalone, the arguments are stored in "arg".
IMHO a "high order" language like lua does not need a getopt library,
as this is pretty easy to do yourself, and you do not need additional

This for example is a simplified case of my use, searches for all
options starting with a "-", it does not care about short opts, there
are long opts only. and all options not part  of a "-" is stored in
"nonopts" for later parsing.

-- first argument if number of arguments the option takes, second the
function to handle them.
local options = {
	logfile  = {1, function(file) settings.logfile = file end},
	nodaemon = 	{0, function() settings.nodaemon=true end},
	-- etc.
-- nonopts is filled with all args that were no part dash options
local nonopts = {}
local i = 1
while i <= #arg do
	local a = args[i]
	if a:sub(1, 1) ~= "-" then
		table.insert(nonopts, args[i])
		if a:sub(1, 2) == "--" then
			a = a:sub(3)
			a = a:sub(2)
		local o = options[a]
		if not o then
			print("unknown option command line option: ", a)
		if o[1] >= 0 and i + o[1] > #args then
			print"Error",a," needs ",o[1]," arguments")
		-- this is a bit dirty, I have no more than 3 args ever, and was too
lazy to think of general code.
		-- a more generic solution would build a list and call the function
with unpack(list)
		if o[2] then
			if o[1] == 0 then
			elseif o[1] == 1 then
				o[2](args[i + 1])
			elseif o[1] == 2 then
				o[2](args[i + 1], args[i + 2])
			elseif o[1] == 3 then
				o[2](args[i + 1], args[i + 2], args[i + 3])
		i = i + o[1]
	i = i + 1

--- care about your nonopts here

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Steve Litt <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm rewriting my UMENU program
> ( in Lua, and so far so good.
> So far, I see little reason to ever use Perl again :-)
> UMENU uses Perl's getopt_long. I've read all sorts of things about Lua's
> Getopt facility, and so far it seems like yes, there's one in the standard
> package, but some are saying it doesn't work all that well and a lot of people
> are writing their own getopt facilities.
> Ideally, I'd like my Lua based UMENU to work with plain, ordinary, everyone
> can install it Lua, rather than depending on special packages the user needs
> to install, so if the one in the standard library works, that's what I'd like
> to use. I could also just manually check for arguments -- there aren't that
> many options to UMENU.
> So what are you all using for Getopt or preferably Getopt_long in Lua?
> Thanks
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Recession Relief Package
> http://www.recession-relief.US
> Twitter: