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On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:22 PM, steve donovan
<> wrote:
> Thanks to Norman Clarke's recent work on LuaDoc [3] the module
> documentation is more complete and has examples.

I clearly hit enter too soon (the particular change in luadoc is that
it no longer removes linefeeds from comments so you can use <pre> tags
properly. Looking forward to being able to integrate Markdown!)

Thanks to Vadim Peretokin for helping me sort out the OrderedMap
class, and suggesting that a function to shorten strings was useful

Ryan Pusztai has been a committed and energetic tester and user of
these libraries, and David Manura has given excellent advice and
feedback, including the idea that it is possible for a library to be
too clever (that is, that code can be a smartass)

steve d.