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> Mea culpa!  I will set up a github repo for the source. SciTE itself
> has only had minor modifications, like a user-customizable toolbar;
> the debugger depends on a small C extension for spawning interactive
> processes from SciTE - that can be found in the scite-debug luaforge
> distribution, which is otherwise a bit old now.  It has been on my
> list for a while to update the SciTE debugger and also move SciTE to
> the latest version.

I tried scite-debug from luaforge and also the one from LfW. I'm not
sure which one is newer by just looking at the diffs. The good news is
that scite-debug from luaforge works out of the box with the latest
scite-ru (no ilua prompt though) and needs no tweaking of scite code
(you can't make the separate Debug top-level menu with just scite
properties, but you can make the custom toolbar), so there's no need
to patch scite now I think. Thanks for the pointers.