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On Monday 06 December 2010 3:51:07 pm James Graves wrote:
> I've had to mess around a little to get luadoc working properly in
> this situation.
> Here's what I've got at the top of one of my files:
> --- Infinite Lists.
> -- <br />
> -- Various ways to construct infinite lists.
> -- @class module
> -- @name infinite_list
> --[[ The module line is needed for luadoc to consider this a module.
> module "infinite_list"
> ]]--
> local M = {}  -- List of exported functions.
> The 'module' declaration is necessary, but commented out.  The @class
> and @name tags are also necessary.
> >From there I define my functions.  Since the exported functions are
> defined as (to put them in the exported table), I also have to
> put in a @name tag.
> BR,
> James

Thank you for sharing this. I didn't realize that LuaDoc didn't recognize multi-line comments, which allows a much cleaner way of declaring modules than I had. 

The example you show works perfectly for me. But it also seems to pick up the module name fine even without using the "@name" tag in the module documentation comment. 
