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Dunno if anybody interests this, but this is what I am doing with
tables which are not an array, for which the application freqently
needs the total number of elements.

-- Maintains length of a table.
local CountArray = (function()
    -- Metatable
    local mt = {}

    -- key to native table
    local k_nt = {}

    -- on accessing a nil index.
    mt.__index = function(t, k)
        return t[k_nt][k]

    -- on assigning a new index.
    mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v)
        -- value before
        local vb = t[k_nt][k]
        if v and not vb then
            t._size = t._size + 1
        elseif not v and vb then
            t._size = t._size - 1
        t[k_nt][k] = v

    -- Walks through all entries in any order.
    local function walk(self)
        return pairs(self[k_nt])

    -- returns the count
    local function size(self)
        return self._size

    -- creates a new count array
    local function new()
        -- k_nt is native table, private for this object.
        local o = {_size = 0, walk = walk, size = size, [k_nt] = {} }
        setmetatable(o, mt)
        return o

    -- public interface
    return {new = new}

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Javier Guerra Giraldez
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Hisham <> wrote:
>> [*] Of course, this is a minor problem compared to explaining the
>> weird behavior of the # operator. I predict it will be changed to
>> return the actual number of elements of a table sometime around Lua
>> 7.0 (when the argument that not maintaining a counter saves precious
>> memory and processing won't be as compelling)
> this has been discussed at length, but i don't think most people
> realize that it's not that easy.
> imagine that every table keeps a 'proper' length field, and #t returns it:
> t={1,2,3}     => #t = 3
> t[2] = nil      => #t = 3
> t[3] = nil      => #t =.... ?  should be 1, right?
> hum... the core would have to scan backwards to skip 2 and set it to 1
> now:
> t = {1,2}             => #t = 2
> t[1000000] = 3   => #t = 1000000
> t[500] = 4           => #t = 1000000
> t[1000000] = nil  => #t = ....?  should be 500, right?
> now it doesn't seem so cheap to just keep a counter and update _every_
> time you set a member to nil.
> think about it,  array-like handling suddenly gets O(n) for some very
> common operations, instead of the current O(1) for most with a single
> O(log n) for a single, relatively low usage operation.
> --
> Javier