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On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 1:34 AM, Zed Shaw <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Sort of new, but I've been working in Lua for the last few months
> after having used it back in 2004.  I have a small little project that
> I started and some Lua regulars said I should mention it here.
> The project is Tir:
> It's a little "micro framework" written in Lua that works with my web
> server Mongrel2:
> I'm relatively new to Lua, so I'd love it if people could take a look
> at it and let me know what you think.  The important features are on
> the main page, but to summarize:
> 1. It allows you to do coroutine, stateless, or evented styles of handlers.
> 2. It uses lots of little processes, each handling one "interface",
> rather than one giant monolithic process.
> 3. Mongrel2 handles all the heavy lifting of routing and serving
> files, so the handlers do very little.
> 4. The template language is dead simple "lua inside templates".
> 5. It uses 0MQ ( for communications so you can do
> tons of stuff I'm not even touching yet.

I haven't had much of a chance to look at Tir yet, but I've been
following Mongrel2 and the developments with Lua on Twitter recently.
I wanted to play with Mongrel a bit, but didn't want to push with a
full system install of Mongrel2, so I created the following script:

This will download and install ZeroMQ and Mongrel2 to a subdirectory
called 'sandbox' of your current directory. You can then toss
sandbox/bin at the start of your path and be able to play without
interfering with the rest of your system.

This script should work fine alongside the Lua/Luarocks script that I
have prosted previously.

- Jim