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On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 07:13:03AM +0200, Markus Schmid wrote:
> I have compiled Lua for a cortexA8 (ARM7). This is running on VxWorks.

I think you mean ARMv7, not ARM7.  ARM7 was ARMv4 :)

> The crash happens after getjump returns "return (pc+1)+offset;" a value that
> is very large and a subsequent call causes getjump and the macro GETARG_sBx
> to crash.

What are the values of pc and offset?

> I created a small program that run a few values through the GETARG_sBx and
> the macro appears to be working correctly for my target. The crash happens
> pretty much instantly after executing a small startup script.

Can you share the source to this small startup script?
