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Zomirp Cila wrote:
I'm LUA fan for a decade now (introduced to me with Girder software) and this is the first time I think about porting. Anyway... what I need is interpreter or script engine to run on various platforms with lowest footprint as possible, 16kB max.

Others have made their reservations known... Number One question, what microcontroller?

Lua needs a memory heap (in general), 32-bit integers (unless you're willing to do a lot of whacking), and AFAIK anything with a few KBs of SRAM has tons of Flash memory. If your part's Flash is so limited, something more like a compiled-BASIC would be more appropriate.

There has been attempts at a cut-down language etc, but it wouldn't be complaint-Lua anymore.

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia