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Apart from convenience, the new ipairs also uses an __ipairs
metamethod where available, making the "for i, v in ipairs(c)" idiom
useful for iterating on user-defined sequences, not just regular Lua
lists. It would feel strange to use pairs to iterate on sequences.

Fabio Mascarenhas

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 12:24 AM, Shmuel Zeigerman <> wrote:
> Mark Feldman wrote:
>>> There are a few other "syntactic sugar" constructs in Lua, so
>>> why is ipairs singled out?
>> It's trivial to add yourself, as demonstated in PIL:
>> [...]
> It's a matter of convenience. Those wanting ipairs to stay, want it
> out-of-the-box. (I, for one, wouldn't like to "require 'ipairs'" in every
> little script I write).
> --
> Shmuel