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Shmuel Zeigerman wrote:
I'd like ipairs to stay. Otherwise most of my code will be polluted with an additional line, e.g.
  for k = 1, #arr do
    local v = arr[k] -- this wasn't needed with ipairs

Ditto that. I think I'd have to add an ipairs to all of my Lua projects if that's the case.. the "local v = arr[k]" pattern doesn't appeal to me at all, and for many neither does replacing v with "arr[k]" at each use.

On another note though, *hurrah* for being able to remove lua_absidx from all my lua projects.

I was never happy with being required to understand Lua's magic numbers (ie LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) to be able to make such a function, so it's a great addition to which I thank the authors :)

- Alex