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On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Stuart P. Bentley
<> wrote:
> Take a look at the way the offivial Lua live demo is set up.

This is a useful resource, but it lacks rationale for what is being
done in demo.lua - my remarks on the less obvious items are:
debug.getfenv=getfenv -- This prevents grabbing the environment of a C
function. In particular, it prevents doing debug.getfenv(module) to
grab the package table. -- This means that doing module("io", function(X)
code_here end) will pass the sandboxed io library as the X parameter
rather than passing the original io library.
package.loaded.package=nil -- This means that doing module("package",
function(X) code_here end) will pass a new table as the X parameter
rather than passing the original package table (which contains nasty
things like loadlib and loaders[2] through loaders[4]).

I would also add some code to demo.lua to prevent loadstring() from
loading precompiled chunks.