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On 17 April 2010 18:50, Linus Sjögren <> wrote:
> Thanks for your feedback.
> The addString stuff was something I got from the Lua site or the LuaUsers
> wiki, can't remember, on the subject of repetetive string concatenation.
> Maybe it'd be easier to just replace those with the actual commands.
> And sure, I'll go make some prettier names now.

Re: prettier names.
convention is to keep the name the same for those in the standard library
eg: local pairs , select , tonumber , type = pairs , select , tonumber , type;

for those in other libraries, replace the index with a _, or remove
the seperator altogether.
local iopopen = io.popen OR local io_popen = io.popen

I like to have each library on a different line (and each thing in
alphabetical order): -- note: these ones are my personal tastes
local pairs , select , tonumber , type = pairs , select , tonumber , type
local tableconcat = table.concat
local iopopen , ioopen = io.popen ,


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