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I assume you're building an embedded system when you talked about
cross-compile. And my experience is to ignore those configure scripts
at all.

I include those modules simply by add the source files directly into
my project. and so far so good.

The only thing I need to do is do a native-compile in pc and check
what -D definitions or other gcc argument should be given when
compiling those modules.

As for ./configure, it has built-in support for cross-compile but many
source code cannot work with it. You should use ./configure to
cross-compile the standard gnu tools. But for most lua modules this is
an unecessary overhead.

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 6:35 AM, Rory Toma <> wrote:
> I notice that every package that I cross compile, I have to, at a minimum,
> rewrite the configure scripts and often the Makefiles. What is the standard
> lua way of building for cross-compile?