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On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 12:01:45 +0200
steve donovan <> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:57 AM, spir <> wrote:
> > instead of "table.insert(array,item)" or "array[#array+1] = item".
> Those are often used; AFAIK the second idiom is considered pretty quick.
> When in doubt, do a microbenchmark!
> steve d.

=== results (rather stable):
using cached index: 5
using #array: 15
using insert: 22

======== code =============
time = os.time
N = 33333333

local t0 = time()
local array = {}
i = 0
for n=1,N do
	array[i] = n
local t = time() - t0
print("using cached index: "..t)

local t0 = time()
local array = {}
for n=1,N do
	array[#array+1] = n
local t = time() - t0
print("using #array: "..t)

local t0 = time()
local array = {}
for n=1,N do
	table.insert(array, n)
local t = time() - t0
print("using insert: "..t)


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