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Nitpick: I would prefer loadfile(env, "config.lua"), to match the
parameter order of loadin(env, chunk). Otherwise I completely agree.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Nick Gammon <> wrote:
> On 16/02/2010, at 12:12 PM, David Burgess wrote:
>> Any news on the 5.2 front?
> I haven't seen any comment on my message in an earlier thread, that the following code:
> local env = {}
> local f = assert (loadfile ("config.lua"))
> setfenv (f, env) ()
> ... which lets you load a configuration file into a table, will no longer work under Lua 5.2.
> Excepting that you use the io library (which you may not even want to include, or have reservations about allowing the use of, due to the ability to read/write to arbitrary files on the user's file system).
> My suggested fix was allowing the passing in of an environment into loadfile, eg.
> local env = {}
> local f = assert (loadfile ("config.lua", env)) ()
> - Nick