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Dear Lua friends,

the Cafu Engine (formerly Ca3D-Engine) is now available to everyone as free software under the GNU General Public License!

The source code as well as precompiled binaries are available at our downloads page at <>, and the new developers page at <> explains how to get started with the source code quickly. In addition to the compressed archives, the source code is also available directly from the Subversion repository.

Cafu is a modern game and graphics engine for multiplayer, cross-platform, real-time 3D action.
It employs Lua for its map and entity scripting, for scripting the interactive 2D and 3D in-game GUI panels, and for scripting the in-game console.

Learn more at <>!

Best regards,

   Cafu - the open-source Game and Graphics Engine
for multiplayer, cross-platform, real-time 3D Action
              Learn more at

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