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Hi, list!

I need to load some trivial XMLs into Lua data at run-time. XML-s are
trivial, but do use UTF-8, CDATA and fancy entities, so library must
handle them well.

I wanted to use some luarocks-installable module, but failed to find
one that would install on my Ubuntu box.

Both luaexpat (which also looks too heavy for my needs) and
lua-xmlreader (which looks stalled at version 0.1) rocks fail to build
(I may provide bug reports if anyone interested).

All other Lua XML bindings I know about are not listed in the
available rocks list. (And I'd like to avoid to try them one after
another to find they just don't work for me...)

Is the situation with XML handling in Lua really that dire as I
imagine it, or am I just having a bad day? What do you use to handle
XML in Lua?

By the way, in my opinion, lua-users Wiki page on XML really sucks. :(

(No, I'm not volunteering to fix it — I do not have enough data.)
