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On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 20:32:01 +0300
Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> >     setfenv(sandboxed_function, { print = print })  
> here body of sandboxed_function should be considered as example of
> script written by user. 
> it can define functions and call functions provided in fenv, but
> nothing more. it's the whole idea - you give user access only to some
> set of functions. if you don't include here functions that load
> external C libraries or directly modify memory, then it's impossible
> to run out of your sandbox. everything that user can do is to call
> provided functions with some arguments

They can still loop for ever, and DoS you in a few other ways, though.
That's why the debug library is needed for extra security.  (You can
use it to define how long a function can run for.)
