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I was looking for a game like Sudoku in Lua Script that can be run on Lua VM. Downloaded the LuaVM and compiled for a linux based STB.
If the script requires more for rendering graphics or passing IR keys, can write the adaptation layer and register callbacks.
We would like to launch a Lua Game via C function.

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Rob Kendrick <> wrote:
On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 16:07:42 +0530
Sudhindra Murthy <> wrote:

> We were exploring LuaVM  and would like to know if there are any
> suggested sample Lua Games that can be downloaded to run such games
> on STBs?
> Intention is to try out Lua and experience how it runs.

STB = Set Top Boxes?  Lua is just a programming language; it doesn't do
much on its own.  Certainly not games (unless you're thinking text

Could you provide mode details?
