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2009/12/4 Cosmin Apreutesei <>:
>> The one thing that really struck me about Lua is that Lua programs looks
>> like Lua.  They don't go fancy-syntax fishing elsewhere.  That's kind of
>> unusual for a script language nowadays.
> Some of that comes form its liberating semantics, but there's also
> some crafted screen aesthetics going on which many dynamic languages
> seem to overlook, and nice to see them in Lua:
>  - [...]
>  - economic use of symbols, choosing those that look good on the
> screen and are easy to type (eg. look at the conversation about
> choosing a length operator some years ago)

For symbols that's very variable on localized keyboards. On a fr_FR
keyboard, # is awkward to type, and ~= is even worse. English words
have the advantage that they are  easy to type on most (all?)
latin-alphabet-based keyboards.