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>> Any standard way to workaround this issue on 64-bit Linux? I need to
>> keep both Lua and LuaJIT working.

> You could use 32 bit Lua, too, even on 64 bit.

Yes, this would suit me.

>> I think that LuaRocks compiles Lua modules into 64-bits.

> I bet this can be changed with something as simple as adding -m32
> to the compiler and linker lines.

If I'm to go that way, I need LuaRocks to do this automatically for
any module without me remembering this. I hope it has an option to do
this somewhere. Time to dig into the docs. :-)

>> It seems that I have to keep *manually* two separate module trees, and
>> to change LUA_CPATH before I launch Lua or LuaJIT. Is there a better
>> solution?

> You could install either one into a different tree and change the
> compiled-in module path. With LuaJIT that's pretty easy:

>  make clean
>  make PREFIX=/opt/lj2
>  make install PREFIX=/opt/lj2

> Then the binary modules end up in /opt/lj2/lib/lua/5.1. You could
> symlink the Lua module path together, i.e.:

>  rmdir /opt/lj2/share/lua/5.1
>  ln -s /usr/local/share/lua/5.1 /opt/lj2/share/lua/5.1

> You don't need (or should) set LUA_CPATH then.

Thanks, this looks like what I need.
