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On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 13:20, Ashish Shrestha <> wrote:

> I have my own webapp (a single Lua file), mercury.lua and the launcher
> script from the above email in a directory and using the script to
> launch the app. I hope, Daniele, includes the launcher script as it is
> a great script for quick start and for use during development.

I actually prepared a few more tiny examples last month, and the
latest one ships with a runner script for Xavante and uses lua-haml
[1] as a templating engine:

Yeah I know, I usually tend to hide useful bits where people won't find them ;-)

Now seriously speaking: daytime work mixed with random stuff that is
filling up my free time are currently keeping me away from Mercury,
but I hope to get back on track with its development as soon as
possible as it really needs more work (and a test suite). Mercury is,
right now, nothing more than a hacked toy that happens to work to some
extent :-)


Daniele Alessandri