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To make begin_computation/end_computation work, you essentially want something like:

	for n = 1, 1000 do
			m = m * m1 + m2
		end_computation( m )

m1 and m2 are preserved because they don't get reallocated in the loop. We signal preservation of m by passing it to end_computation.

This pattern is risky with respect to exceptions since the computation can remain open longer than desired. The following variation suffers from function call (specifically pcall) overhead but could fix that problem:

	local body = function() return m * m1 + m2 end

	for n = 1, 1000 do
		m = compute( body )

compute can know that it should preserve its results. (It could also use the debug API to get it to preserve its upvalues.)

But now we're basically back to the situation with using strings or some other mechanism to allow the code to be compiled differently. How about the following form:

	function computation( flush, m, m1, m2 )
		for n = 1, 1000 do
			m = m * m1 + m2
			flush( m )
		return m

	m = run_computation( computation, m, m1, m2 )

run_computation adds an extra first argument which is a function which flushes all newly allocated temporaries except the ones that get handed to it.

Of course, any of these schemes are pretty bug prone since you are doing essentially manual memory management but its non-obvious manual memory management.

Using the debug library could mitigate that by having the flush function actually be aware of the local variables and upvalues in the computation.

On a related note, I keep speculating about whether it's worth the effort and complexity to detect objects that don't gain non-stack references and collect them immediately when their last stack reference goes away. It's enough of a whack to the Lua implementation and I lack sufficiently good benchmarks to judge the results that this remains at the speculation phase. In any event, the model I've been thinking about here wouldn't help you because I was only going to collect at function boundaries.

Finally, something that would work if one is into patching Lua is to use reference counting. Generally, the overhead isn't worth the trouble, but it might not be in this case since rapid recycling of memory is very useful. There used to be a reference counting patch for Lua, but I don't know whether there is one for 5.1.4.
