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On Tuesday 02, Javier Guerra wrote:
> 2009/6/2 李慧霸 <>:
> > I think a major difference of llvm-lua for the lua community
> > is performance. So is there a performance comparison? I didn't
> > find it on the project's web site.
> i think that even if LuaJIT beat llvm-lua, it would have a very
> important role because of its portability.  it can do either JIT or
> statically compile to ARM, that could be a godsend for many embedded
> projects.

LuaJIT is still faster then llvm-lua.  llvm-lua is about 2-3x faster then 
normal Lua for some work loads, LuaJIT is about 2-3x faster then llvm-lua for 
some work loads.  Both LuaJIT & llvm-lua are very fast with numeric for 

The main reason to use llvm-lua over LuaJIT is for the static compiling 
feature (can be used for code obfuscation) and support for more architectures 
then just x86.

One of the main reasons LuaJIT is faster is that llvm-lua doesn't compile Lua 
functions when they are called, llvm-lua does AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compiling 
of the Lua functions right after they are compiled to Lua bytecode.  This 
means llvm-lua can't do any runtime analysis to help with optimizing the 
generated LLVM IR code.  The reason llvm-lua only does AOT compiling, is that 
LLVM's JIT needs a lot of C-Stack space and that would cause all coroutines 
to need atleast 512Kbytes of COCO stack space instead of just 65Kbytes.  I 
could just allocate one large stack to be used for JIT compiling and just 
switch to that stack before running the Lua->LLVM IR->JIT compiler.  But I 
haven't taken the time to do that, since I only really need static & AOT 
compiling of Lua code.

LuaJIT is able to inline calls to math.* and some other standard library 
functions because it JITs Lua functions when they are called, which allows it 
to see what functions are going being called by that Lua code.

One way llvm-lua could improve the speed of static compiled code would be to 
add support for recording hints during runtime and writting those hints to a 
file that would then be passed to the static compiler.

Below are the results of running scimark-2008-01-22.lua [1] for a performance 

Summary (larger is faster):
normal lua: 9.77
llvm-lua: 22.09
static compile: 21.94
LuaJIT -O3: 39.60

# taskset -c 1 /usr/bin/lua scimark-2008-01-22.lua large
Lua SciMark 2008-01-22, based on SciMark 2.0a. Copyright (C) 2008 Mike Pall.

FFT         5.58  [1048576]
SOR        15.97  [1000]
MC          3.99  
SPARSE     11.27  [100000, 1000000]
LU         12.06  [1000]

SciMark     9.77  [large problem sizes]

# taskset -c 1 llvm-lua scimark-2008-01-22.lua large
Lua SciMark 2008-01-22, based on SciMark 2.0a. Copyright (C) 2008 Mike Pall.

FFT        11.64  [1048576]
SOR        38.32  [1000]
MC          8.43  
SPARSE     24.52  [100000, 1000000]
LU         27.51  [1000]

SciMark    22.09  [large problem sizes]

# taskset -c 1 ./scimark-2008-01-22 large
Lua SciMark 2008-01-22, based on SciMark 2.0a. Copyright (C) 2008 Mike Pall.

FFT        12.09  [1048576]
SOR        38.48  [1000]
MC          9.29  
SPARSE     23.27  [100000, 1000000]
LU         26.57  [1000]

SciMark    21.94  [large problem sizes]

# taskset -c 1 luajit -O3 scimark-2008-01-22.lua large
Lua SciMark 2008-01-22, based on SciMark 2.0a. Copyright (C) 2008 Mike Pall.

FFT        17.62  [1048576]
SOR        69.18  [1000]
MC         22.00  
SPARSE     37.87  [100000, 1000000]
LU         51.32  [1000]

SciMark    39.60  [large problem sizes]


Robert G. Jakabosky