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Petite Abeille wrote:
On May 8, 2009, at 9:30 PM, KHMan wrote:
Sorry, it is probably not Spain, I Googled too quickly. I'll stop making wild guesses. :-)

The OP's IP is reported as, which looks like Buenos Aires, Argentina, so UTC/GMT -3 hours perhaps.

That's a better guess. Making wild guesses quickly without engaging the brain was dumb. :-)

Here is a simple implementation for Diego, perhaps it's closer to his requirements. It can be shorter, but is laid out for clarity. Only does local time, however.

-- start_date: day on which campaign starts (table)
-- end_date: day on which campaign ends (table)
--           (inclusive, assume the whole of end_date
--            is still a campaign day)
-- start_time: time on which campaign starts (table)
-- end_time: time on which campaign ends (table)
--           (exclusive, last valid time is 1 second
--            before end_time)
-- * Assume for dates, year,month,day are valid
-- * Assume for times, hour,min are valid
-- (1) test if current date is in campaign date range
--     and if true, then,
-- (2) test if current time is in campaign time range
--     and if true,then,
-- (3) run something

-- current date/time
local today ="*t")
local t_today = os.time()

-- DEBUG some values for testing only
local start_date, end_date = today, today
local start_time = {hour=17,min=0}
local end_time = {hour=19,min=0}

-- dates to compare (time made up as date at midnight)
local d_start =
  os.time{year = start_date.year,
          month = start_date.month,
          day =,
          hour = 0, min = 0}
local d_end =
  os.time{year = end_date.year,
          month = end_date.month,
          day =,
          hour = 0, min = 0}
local d_today =
  os.time{year = today.year,
          month = today.month,
          day =,
          hour = 0, min = 0}

-- check if today is a campaign date
if d_today >= d_start and d_today <= d_end then
  local t_start =
    os.time{year = today.year,
            month = today.month,
            day =,
            hour = start_time.hour,
            min = start_time.min}
  local t_end =
    os.time{year = today.year,
            month = today.month,
            day =,
            hour = end_time.hour,
            min = end_time.min}
  -- check if now is within campaign time
  if t_today >= t_start and t_today < t_end then

Something like that.

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia