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Diego - Red Baires wrote:
i need to represent a range or dates, and then a range of time.
i have a list of records that indicates that an event must be
executed only if:
a) today is between the fields that indicates a range of dates, and then
b) os system.clock is between the fields that indicates a range of hours.

(is today between date-A and date-B, if so, is now between 3pm and 4pm?)

so i am doing this:

between_date_from = os.time({ year="2008", month="01", day="01", hour="00", min="00" }) between_date_to = os.time({ year="2009", month="05", day="06", hour="00", min="00" })

On many platforms, this os.time() function which calls the platform's equivalent will happily accept 'illegal' values like month=13 or day=40. You'd get sorta a 'best guess' value. (Note: You supply numbers; strings like "2009" are turned into numbers like 2009. You might also not need to supply zero fields like min=0, because the function does a best guess.)

Thus validating a date is non-trivial. Also, depending on user input, dates are of various precisions. More validation, if your application expects certain formats or precisions. Then to be precisely precise, you'd also need to accept sec=60 for some years, which of course, I think most OS don't deal with a leap second in the OS layer. Then there is nntp synchronization. And so on.

[snip snip]
now the problem is how to analize a range of hours, not taking in mind the date.
any idea ?

"os.time()" does not allow (obviously) an assignation like this:
{ year="0000", month="00", day="00", hour="17", min="30" }

os.time() on most platforms (POSIX-ish) is the number of seconds after the Unix epoch. You can trivially compare and subtract the times. The difference is in seconds, which you can then convert into anything you like.

If you are in total control of an application, and need a standard textual format for date/time, then use ISO 8601 [1](or a subset), and make your users use it. Make your program validate ISO 8601 time formats. Once it validates correctly, common ISO 8601 formats like YYYY-MM-DD can also be compared trivially in string form. Using the ISO form also avoids ambiguity common with date/time formats of different countries. More info in [1], link below.


Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia