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On 10/02/2009 01:08, Paul Chambers wrote:
I'm no great advocate of Outlook, but unfortunately most of corporate America is still wedded to Exchange/Outlook. Love to see that change, but I'm not holding my breath.

Sure, and beyond the messaging, it seems that the agenda/task management are still beyond current open source offer (or that's what I have read).

Yep, I had been considering exporting it all to a CSV file and munging it that way. Though I'm a little concerned it may strip hidden metadata, which could trip up things like the Plaxo sync. Which ironically might generate more duplicates :) It should work, with a little care.

I was more thinking of a format like Ldap or Netscape (same thing?) or even vCard.

Mmm, after a quick look around, it seems Outlook is a bit limited in the export formats! Although I see various add-ins to offer more flexibility. And I found a Visual Basic code using Com to access the information.

Some years ago I had to import contacts from Outlook to our proprietary webmail, it wasn't trivial because CSV output could be in several lines (the comments section...) and CSV format even changed between two versions of Outlook, with no way to know which version generated the file!

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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