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On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Asko Kauppi wrote:
> ...In order to get to proper use of LuaRocks, we must
> first manage "who's doing what" on the coding/design side of modules.....
>        + gather people into "clans" interested in a certain binding
> I myself would be willing to offer time to testing and
> development of: Cairo, SDL, D-BUS. If I know I'm not alone
> in the project, and I know that it's "the" version that's going
> to be used by all.

What form would the "gathering" take?  Conventionally, one creates a
project page and a mail list, and people join the mail list.  It takes
time, however, to set up this infrastructure.  Preexisting
infrastructure like LuaForge/SourceForge/github lowers the barrier
(sites of more general audience than LuaForge have greater admin
resources, such as concerning git support).  Wiki pages can be set up
instantaneously.  These gatherings tend to be centered around a
specific implementation (e.g. bitlib or Metalua), possibly with only a
few posts, rather than a general goal ("bitwise operator support" and
"metaprogramming" interest groups) that can have multiple
implementations and many people sharing ideas.