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2008/10/27 Max van Rooij (van Rooij Electronics Design & Software
Engineering) <>:
> Dear all,
> Sorry for the delay in reply. During the weekend it was hard to reach
> people to get permission to upload C code...(without everyone having to
> sign a NDA).
> Attached you'll find a boiled down C program of what I use. I've tried
> to weed out as much as possible so you can see only the relevant
> portions.

Your example doesn't include roi.create, system.imagerequest,
system.imageavailable and system.displayrefresh. Are any of these
functions accessing the global variable cel ? If so why don't you
provide them ?

As you can see every time you send more code or information about it,
the problem seems to be in the code you didn't send. That's why we
usually ask for *complete* examples.