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2008/10/15 Asko Kauppi <>
> "Lanes intends to provide 'the' solution for running Lua multithreaded, making maximum use of current multicore CPUs. The Lua level APIs are simple and there's no C side messing involved. Lua Lanes requires Lua 5.1."
> 2.0.1 contains the following bugfixes:
> CHANGE 7 (bug fix) AKa 15-Oct-2008:
>    Recursive functions that use themselves as direct upvalue can now be
>    passed to other lanes, and used as a lane function.
> CHANGE 6 (bug fix) AKa 15-Oct-2008:
>    Added local caches of the following to src/lanes.lua (was otherwise getting
>    errors at least in 'tests/irayo_recursive.lua').
>                local assert= assert
>                local string_gmatch= assert( string.gmatch )
>                local select= assert( select )
>                local type= assert( type )
>                local pairs= assert( pairs )
>                local tostring= assert( tostring )
>                local error= assert( error )
>                local setmetatable= assert( setmetatable )
>                local rawget= assert( rawget )
> This release should work on OS X PowerPC/Intel, Linux x86/64 and Windows 32.   Test reports are welcome.
> -asko

Works good. I packaged it for Arch Linux (in the AUR -
