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Yep, that fixed it for me. Thanks!

2008/9/1 Asko Kauppi <>:
> The Lanes rock issue may be simply an extra 'src/' at the dll path; *nix
> systems place the output at src/ but I think VC++ (make-vc.cmd) places it at
> the project root.
> Would you please check if that is the case, and we'll revise the rock.
>        I do *not* test LuaRocks on Windows platform. I do test Lanes itself,
> though, both VC++ and MSYS.
> This kind of quality leaks should not be allowed to get through LR; there
> should be an automated process to catch them (check that every rock is
> buildable and usable on every platform it states it is). Otherwise, this
> won't be the last time glitches get all the way to users.  :)
> -asko
> ...
> build= {
>  -- Win32 (Visual C++) uses 'make-vc.cmd' for building
>    --
>    platforms= {
>        windows= {
>            type= "command",
>            build_command= "make-vc.cmd",
>            install= {
>                lua = { "src/lanes.lua" },
>                lib = { "src/lua51-lanes.dll" } -- <-- Try without the 'src/'
>            }
>        }
>    },
>        ...
> }
> Mark Meijer kirjoitti 28.8.2008 kello 12:26:
>> - LuaLanes appears to be compiling successfully (aside from a few
>> harmless-looking warnings), but when compiling is done it doesn't seem
>> to find the .dll that should have been produced.