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I'm trying to import Lua into my Xcode project which deals with
real-time MIDI data. The program itself is a style-nightmare, being a
frankensteinien modification of one of Apple's example scripts.
Nevertheless it pretty much works.

I've tried a couple of methods of importing Lua. Firstly I put all the
source into a folder called LuaSource and imported it. When I try to
compile it gives this error:

Next I tried adding the framework at
to the project. It seems to #include <lua.h> (and lualib.h and
lauxlib.h) quite happily, but when I try to use luaL_newstate() I get
this error:

In words of three syllables or fewer, what do I need to do to get Lua
working? Once Lua is loaded I'm confident I'll be able to manage the
Lua API and get to the interesting part of the project (the Lua part).
The whole project is here if it's any help:
