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> showing this problem. I haven't been able to yet, however I did get
> some sort of memory leak while try to reproduce the above

I haven't tried to follow the logic of your example, but I don't think it
qualifies as a memory leak because if you call lua_close(L) at the end of
main then all udata are finalized. So, no memory is leaked.

Also, if you build Lua with LUA_USE_APICHECK on (just #define it in luaconf.h),
then you'll get an assertion raised very soon:
	% ./a.out
	Entering go
	making userdata:0x805df2c
	a.out: lapi.c:232: lua_pushvalue: Assertion `L->top < L->ci->top' failed.
This is raised by lua_pushvalue(L, 2) just after the loop that creates
tables So, it seems to me there's a stack overflow there. However, this
overflow is not the culprit because changing 1000 in luaL_checkstack to
1200 does not give the results you expected.

After a bit of digging, the problem seems to be that go leaves the
threads in the stack, and their memory is never collected. That's why
settop to 0 solves the problem.
