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--- Matt Campbell <> wrote:
> As of version 2.0, LuaInterface doesn't use a
> standard Lua DLL anyway. 
> Instead its "lua51.dll" is a DLL containing both Lua
> and some C++/CLI 
> code to make the Lua API available from C# code. 
> This lua51.dll doesn't 
> export any native symbols; it's only for use by
> LuaInterface.  So it's 
> not possible to use LuaInterface with another Lua
> DLL or to link Lua 
> extension modules against the lua51.dll provided and
> used by 
> LuaInterface.  This makes your point irrelevant.
That is the reason I used 1.5.3 instead of 2.0. I have
a number of applications that make use of luasocket
and my own xyssl bindings and need a GUI frontend
and/or Windows service interface. The 2.0 version is
completely useless for me as it is a pure Lua
engine(managed C++) for .NET and cannot make use of
any of the C modules(luasocket, lpeg).