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--- Stephen Kellett <> wrote:

> gary ng wrote:
> > Given that this is a windows distro, I think
> having it
> > integrated with .NET would be nice(and may be a
> That will mandate including the appropriate .Net
> 1.0/1.1/2.0 runtime, 
> which is tens of MB in size. 
Huh ? I said if it is a windows distro, it should
better 'BE PREPARED' to integrate with .NET.

And in order to do that, the lua DLL has to be
lua51.dll(or lua52.dll or lua50.dll) but not
lua5.1.dll and proxy(as in the case of lua binaries
doesn't work). May be there is a way to load this odd
name DLL in C# but luainterface cannot at the moment.

I was not suggesting to include the .NET runtime, not
even luainterface. Just a 'FYI' that it should be
better to name it lua51.dll. Just a simple name

Anyway, I package my own distro(and that does include
luainterface) so not a concern for me.