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I am porting lua to a embeded mobile phone platform(feature phone,simple os support).

Many of the C runtime lib api could not be used in this platform especially "stdio.h",i.e.: malloc/free/realloc printf/fprintf fopen/fread/fwrite/fclose remove/rename/tmpfile(the platform have its own file system api with UTF16 string parameter)

I spent 1 night to compile lua into the platform.
And spent 2 day to run "hello world"(using luaL_dostring) in the PC emulator. Spent 3 day to run "hello world" in mobile phone,because found that I should get rid of the C runtime api not support in the platform.

And now I want to run lua script from file(using luaL_dofile),and found that I should rewrite luaL_loadfile and so on with platform utf16 string file system api.I think I will spend more days...

Have anyone else ever done this kind of porting?Or any advice to me...

Thank you very much!