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On Sunday 04, Bogdan Marinescu wrote:
> I applied your new patch. Running the garbage collector every time a
> new allocation is needed clearly decreases the required memory amount,
> but also slows the script a lot. An example on 'life.lua' with TLSF
> (now it runs with TLSF; I think it was a problem with my statistics
> module, not with your patch):
I only use the "always call GC" for exposing new GC bugs.

> This is only one test, so it's hard to extrapolate, but the results
> seem interesting, and I can already presume that running the GC all
> the time will not have much practical value, since it slows Lua a lot.
> Also, the 64000 limit on the last case presented above is quite
> interesting, because once you move to other values (upper or lower)
> you'll get a 'not enough memory' error. I was only able to run the
> script in 72000 bytes with the 'magical' 64000 limit, and not anything
One problem that running the GC when the script is out of memory, is that the 
GC tries to shrink the strings hashtable.  Shrinking the strings hashtable or 
the hashpart of tables requires allocating a new array then copying nodes 
from the old array before freeing the old array.  The problem is that the 
allocator doesn't have enough free memory for the new array yet, there would 
be enough if the old array was freed.  This problem just causes a "not enough 
memory" error and might be why your getting best results with the 'magical' 
64000 limit.  That magic limit may just work best for that script, since it 
will keep the strings table for growing too big.  See below about the 
allow_tmp_allocs flag as one way to deal with this problem.

> else. I can't explain this yet. Also, when I try to run
> 'factorial.lua' with the 'always call GC' method (TLSF limited to 39k
> of RAM) I get a segfault with this stack trace:
Thanks for the stack trace I will debug it.  It looks like the problem is with 
function closures, which I hadn't tested yet.

> Also, in your new 'memlimit.c' file, I noticed that you don't use the
> 'collecting' guard variable anymore. Is this an omission, or it's a
> consequence of the patch?
The collecting guard flag in the allocator was only protecting the allocator 
for calling the GC recursively.  I needed a way to stop the GC from running 
during the parsing/loading of scripts.  So I just move the recursive 
protection into lua_gc().  So that flag isn't needed anymore for protecting 
the GC.  But that flag can be used by the allocator to detect if it has 
called the GC already and let the script temporarily go over it's memory 
limit.  This will allow shrinking the strings hashtable.  Attached is a new 
version of the lua_memlimit.c program that adds a 'allow_tmp_allocs' flag.

The str_replace.lua script that I attached with the new patch has the same 
problem with "not enought memory" being thrown during an emergency GC.  With 
the 'allow_tmp_allocs' disabled the scripts runs out of memory and has a 
peak_memused of 65534.  With tmp. allocs enabled the script finishes running 
with a peak_memused of 67915, which is above it's 65536 max memory limit.
The 'allow_tmp_allocs' feature only allow the script to pass it's max memory 
limit during the lua_gc() call.  If the script is still above the limit after 
lua_gc() returns to the allocator, then the script will still get a "not 
enough memory" error thrown.  This flag should help with the 'magical' 64000 

Robert G. Jakabosky
 * Run Lua scripts with a memory limit.
 * compile:
 * gcc -Wall -llua -o lua_memlimit lua_memlimit.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>

 * 1  - non-debug GC allocator, minimal debug messages & no checks.  See function 'script_alloc'
 *      it is a very basic memlimit + GC allocator.
 * 5  - debug GC allocator, with some checks enabled.
 * 10 - enables some more debug messages.
 * 20 - enables block size counter & block header.  Extra leak checking + block size validator.
 * 40 - enables a lot of debug messages.
 * 50 - enables all debug messages.
 * 1 - fills all freed & allocated memory with zeros.
 * 1 - Do a full garbage collect on all allocations (where nsize > 0)
 * 1 - Enables full garbage collection when max memory limit is hit.
 * 0 - No GC just returns NULL when max memory limit is hit.
#define DEBUG_LEVEL 1
#define ZERO_FREE_MEM 0
#define ALWAYS_GC 0
#define ENABLE_GC 1

#define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 128 * 1024
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
#define BLOCK_HEADER	(sizeof(size_t)*2 + 16)
#define BLOCK_HEADER	(0)
typedef struct {
	char			*name;
	lua_State *L;
	size_t		memused;
	size_t		peak_memused;
	size_t		max_memused;
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
	void			*gc_ptr;
	int				block_count[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 1];
	size_t		max_blocksize;
} script_info_t;

#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
static void script_check_blocks(script_info_t *info)
	int i = 0;
	int c = 0;
	size_t tot = 0;

	for(i = 1; i < MAX_BLOCK_SIZE && i <= info->max_blocksize; i++) {
		c = info->block_count[i];
		if(c > 0) {
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 50
			printf("block size=%d, count=%d\n", i, c);
			tot += i * c;
	c = info->block_count[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
	if(c > 0) {
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 50
		printf("block size >= %d, count=%d\n", MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, c);
		tot += i * c;
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 40
	printf("mem_total=%zd, max_blocksize=%zd\n", tot, info->max_blocksize);
	assert(tot == info->memused);

static void script_update_block_counts(script_info_t *info, size_t osize, size_t nsize)
	if(osize > 0) {
		if(osize < MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) {
			assert(--(info->block_count[osize]) >= 0);
		} else {
			assert(--(info->block_count[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]) >= 0);
	if(nsize > 0) {
		if(nsize < MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) {
			assert(++(info->block_count[nsize]) >= 0);
		} else {
			assert(++(info->block_count[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]) >= 0);

static void *script_debug_alloc(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize)
	script_info_t *info=(script_info_t *)ud;
	size_t old_size = info->memused;
	int run_gc = 0;
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
	size_t bsize = -1;

#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 40
	if(osize > info->memused) {
		printf("osize(%zd) > memused(%zd)\n", osize, info->memused);
	assert(osize <= info->memused);

#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
	if(ptr) {
		ptr -= BLOCK_HEADER;
		bsize = *((size_t *)ptr);
		assert(bsize == osize);
		assert(info->gc_ptr != ptr); /* check for second alloc call on same ptr. */
	info->memused -= osize;
	if (nsize == 0) {
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 40
		if(ptr) printf("free 1 (%p), osize=%zd, bsize=%zd\n", ptr, osize, bsize);
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
		script_update_block_counts(info, osize, 0);
		if(osize > 0) {
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 45
			printf("1 memset(%p,0,%zd)\n", ptr, osize + BLOCK_HEADER);
			memset(ptr, 0, osize + BLOCK_HEADER);
		return NULL;
	info->memused += nsize;
	if(nsize > osize && info->memused >= info->max_memused) {
		run_gc = 1;
	} else if(info->L != NULL) {
		run_gc = 1;
	if(run_gc) {
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 40
		printf("LOW MEM: 1 osize=%zd, nsize=%zd, used=%zu, peak=%zu, need=%zd\n", osize, nsize,
			info->memused, info->peak_memused, (info->memused - info->max_memused));
		info->memused = old_size;
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
		info->gc_ptr = ptr;
		/* try to free memory by collecting garbage. */
		lua_gc(info->L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
		info->gc_ptr = NULL;
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 40
		printf("LOW MEM: 2 used=%zu, peak=%zu\n", info->memused, info->peak_memused);
		/* check memory usage again. */
		old_size = info->memused;
		info->memused -= osize;
		info->memused += nsize;
		if(info->memused >= info->max_memused) {
			info->memused = old_size;
			printf("OUT OF MEMORY: memused=%zd, osize=%zd, nsize=%zd\n", info->memused, osize, nsize);
			return NULL;
		info->memused = old_size;
		return NULL;
	if(info->memused > info->peak_memused) info->peak_memused = info->memused;
	if(osize > nsize) {
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 45
		printf("2 memset(%p,0,%zd)\n", ptr + nsize + BLOCK_HEADER, osize - nsize);
		memset(ptr + nsize + BLOCK_HEADER, 0, osize - nsize);
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 40
	if(ptr) printf("free 2 (%p), osize=%zd, bsize=%zd\n", ptr, osize, bsize);
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
	if(nsize > info->max_blocksize) info->max_blocksize = nsize;
	script_update_block_counts(info, osize, nsize);
	ptr = realloc(ptr, nsize + BLOCK_HEADER);
	if(osize < nsize) {
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 45
		printf("3 memset(%p,0,%zd)\n", ptr + osize + BLOCK_HEADER, nsize - osize);
		memset(ptr + osize + BLOCK_HEADER, 0, nsize - osize);
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 40
	if(ptr) printf("alloc  (%p), nsize=%zd\n", ptr, nsize);
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 20
	*((size_t *)ptr) = nsize;
	return ptr;

static void *script_alloc(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize)
	script_info_t *info=(script_info_t *)ud;
	size_t old_size = info->memused;

	info->memused -= osize;
	if (nsize == 0) {
		return NULL;
	info->memused += nsize;
	if(nsize > osize && info->memused >= info->max_memused) {
		info->memused = old_size;
		/* try to free memory by collecting garbage. */
		lua_gc(info->L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
		/* check memory usage again. */
		old_size = info->memused;
		info->memused -= osize;
		info->memused += nsize;
		if(info->memused >= info->max_memused) {
			info->memused = old_size;
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1
			printf("OUT OF MEMORY: memused=%zd, osize=%zd, nsize=%zd\n", info->memused, osize, nsize);
			return NULL;
		info->memused = old_size;
		return NULL;
	if(info->memused > info->peak_memused) info->peak_memused = info->memused;
	return realloc(ptr, nsize);

static int print_memstats(lua_State *L)
	script_info_t *info;

	lua_getallocf(L, (void *)(&info));

#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 10
	printf("%s: before GC memused=%zd, peak_memused=%zd\n", info->name,
		info->memused, info->peak_memused);
	lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
	printf("%s: after GC  memused=%zd, peak_memused=%zd\n", info->name,
		info->memused, info->peak_memused);
	printf("%s: memused=%zd, peak_memused=%zd\n", info->name,
		info->memused, info->peak_memused);
	return 0;

static int array_fill(lua_State *L)
	size_t l;
	const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l);
	int n = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
	int i;
	lua_createtable(L, n, 0);
	for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
		lua_pushstring(L, s);
		lua_rawseti(L, -2, i);
	return 1;

static lua_State *create_newstate(script_info_t *info)
	lua_State *L;

#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 5
	L = lua_newstate(script_debug_alloc, info);
	L = lua_newstate(script_alloc, info);
	if(L == NULL) return L;
	/* load libs */
	info->L = L;
	lua_register(L,"print_memstats", print_memstats);
	lua_register(L,"array_fill", array_fill);
	return L;

static int run_script(char *script_name)
	script_info_t *info;
	lua_State *L;
	int status;

	/* run script */
	info = (script_info_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(script_info_t));
	info->max_memused = 64 * 1024;
	info->name = script_name;
	info->memused = 0;
	info->peak_memused = 0;
	/* create lua state & load script file. */
	status = luaL_loadfile(L, info->name);
	if(status != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failed to load script: %s\n",lua_tostring(L,-1));
		return -1;
	/* execute script. */
	status = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
	if(status != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n", script_name,lua_tostring(L,-1));
	printf("%s: memused=%zd, peak_memused=%zd\n", info->name,
		info->memused, info->peak_memused);
	/* check for memory leak. */
	assert(info->memused == 0);
	return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int rc = 0;
	int i = 0;

	if(argc < 2) {
		printf("usage: %s <lua script 1> [<lua script 2>]\n", argv[0]);

	/* run scripts. */
	for(i=1; i < argc && rc == 0; i++) {
		rc = run_script(argv[i]);

	return 0;