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I've got historical UTC timestamps, and I want to get the corresponding local time (based on the OS's locale) for them.

This cannot be done in Lua 5.1 since 'os.time()' only calls for 'mktime()', never 'timegm'. These two are a pair, and described together on the man pages (man mktime). mktime is for creating epoch ticks out of local time; timegm is for doing the same from UTC time.

Is there a reason for the omission, and could 'os.time()' support UTC input in the future?

For example, add a second parameter (boolean), or '.utc=true' to the current calling scheme. Both would be backwards compatible.


Oh, well...
"The timegm function is not specified by any standard; its function cannot be completely emulated using the standard functions described above."

It's annoying to see the ANSI limitations limiting Lua time and again.