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On this day of 02/24/2008 04:23 PM, Luís Eduardo Jason Santos saw fit to
> LOL.
> Sorry, I think I can't hide that English is not my mother tongue. :-)
> Besides, all that Shakespeare I've read when I was young just happens
> to make me more confuse.
> Thank you guys for the heads up!

Interestingly enough, French has both "souffrir" (best translated as
'suffer', I believe, with connotations and all) and "subir" (translated
as 'to go through', perhaps?), both of which also have the same
connotation of ill treatment.

I think that 'subir' is used to say that something happened to you (j'ai
subi X) whereas 'souffrir' is used to indicate the state of suffering,
perhaps from something, e.g. je souffre de X.

So I guess 'sofrer' would be 'subir' in French, even though there's
still the issue of connotation...

Well, interesting stuff, but perhaps slightly off-topic. :-)

- David

> On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Wesley Smith <> wrote:
>>>  sofrer = to have something done to you, be recipient of an action
>>  >  (English "suffer" is a subset of that)
>>  Archaic usage in English tracks the original meaning of the word more
>>  closely, although now-a-days, the connotations of suffer are more
>>  specific to ill treatment.
>>  wes
