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On Feb 24, 2008, at 1:03 PM, Leo Razoumov wrote:

I would argue that anything that can be done in pure PHP can be done in

I would second that! :)

Please, if you have time, take a look on PmWiki search syntax

Are you familiar with PmWiki's internal implementation? Looking at pmwiki-2.2.0-beta65 scripts directory, there is no obvious 'search' module. Would you know by any chance where/how is the search implemented?

Nanoki itself, in addition to various navigation mechanisms, provides title search. The search is implemented as a trie:

For example, looking for 'mac'...

... would yield thinks like 'Automated Teller Machine', 'Enigma Machine', 'Nicobar Long Tailed Macaque', etc...

While such mechanism could be extended to cover the page content as well, most wiki do not have enough content to make it worthwhile. And if they do, they would be better off using a proper text search engine library such as Lucene, Xapian or such. Or rely on an external search engine such as Google or Yahoo.

My own preference would be for a Lua implementation/binding of/to Lucene. But that would be a rather involved project :)
