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Ignacio Burgueño wrote:
Fabio Mascarenhas wrote:
Well, guess I spoke too soon about libffi! The documentation is pretty sketchy, but I dug around in the source of the CVS version of libffi and found how to do callbacks. So after some hours of late night hacking I ripped out ffcall and put libffi in its place. The Alien API remains the same, so I am calling this version 0.3.1.

I can't install it under Windows. I have luarocks 0.4.2

Ejem... I've missed the part in the docs that reads "Alien should work in any Unix-based system, and it will work on Windows shortly."

Anyway... Will Alien be able to call functions with calling conventions other than cdecl ? Mostly stdcall, I don't really need the others [1]

Ignacio Burgueño
