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I am beginning to work on something that strongly resembles your needs: it is a rule-based business entities engine. The project is called Harmony (already on Luaforge), but I am still in the early stages. I don't believe, thou, it is going to be anywhere near completion for your immediate need. When I have some digital deliverables ( i.e. a paper), I could send them to you if you're still interested.

On Jan 9, 2008 1:05 PM, Jorge Visca <> wrote:
Hi to everyone...

I'm looking for a really lightweight rules/policy engine. We tried a
Java/J2ME commercial option (witmate) and found it too big for our
platform (we are trying to cram Policy Based Network Management concepts
into OpenWRT based routers).
Looking around for alternatives is how i came to discover Lua.
Event driven architecture would be ideal, but really *anything* even
remotely in rules/policy universe would be most helpfull.
Our backup alternative is precompile the rules off-line and generate the
corresponding state machine (expressed as a lua script, f.e. with ), and run that.

So, has anyone attempted a Rete implementation?

Thanks in advance.


Luís Eduardo Jason Santos