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MultiByteToWideChar() and WideCharToMultiByte() provide a not too
difficult conversion. Keep all your strings in Lua as UTF-8 and
have one function to convert to unicode prior to using any of the
W API  functions.


On 11/14/07, Matt Campbell <> wrote:
> As I mentioned the other day, I've been developing a collection of Win32
> API bindings.  These bindings all use the Unicode versions of their
> corresponding Win32 functions; they take and return UTF-8 strings.  Now,
> the problem is that the io, os, and lfs libraries don't take or return
> UTF-8 strings on Windows; they use the system's default code page, which
> is never UTF-8 (how I wish it was!).  This means that if I do something
> like this:
> appDataDir = shlobj.GetSpecialFolderPath(nil, shlobj.CSIDL_APPDATA)
> f = .. "\\foo.cfg")
> the second statement won't work if the application data directory
> contains non-ASCII characters.
> For consistency and to avoid debugging headaches on non-English Windows,
> I want to use UTF-8 everywhere.  How should I solve this problem?
> Thanks,
> Matt