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Dear All,

LuaSocket version 2.0.2 is now available for download! It is
compatible with Lua 5.1, and has been tested on Windows XP,
Linux, and Mac OS X. Chances are it works well on most UNIX
distributions and Windows flavors.

The homepage has been moved back to TecGraf and can be found

Source-code and Win32 binaries can be downloaded from
LuaForge at

What's New

This is just a bug-fix/update release.

    * Improved: http.request() now supports deprecated HTTP/0.9
      servers (Florian Berger)
    * Fixed: could return "timedout" instead of "timeout" (Leo Leo)
    * Fixed: crash when reading '*a' on closed socket (Paul Ducklin);
    * Fixed: return values are consistent when reading from closed sockets;
    * Fixed: case sensitivity in headers of multipart messages in
      smtp.message() (Graham Henstridge);
    * Fixed a couple instances of error() being called instead of base.error().       These would cause an error when an error was reported. :)  (Ketmar Dark);
    * Fixed: test script now uses pairs() iterator instead of the old
      Lua syntax (Robert Dodier).

Have fun,