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David Kastrup <> writes:

> Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> writes:
>>> Is there a rationale for this behavior, or does it just happen to
>>> be this way?
> Well, this does not exactly give a rationale.  It just says that this
> is unlikely to change for what appears to be technical reasons.
> Whether those should win over usage consistency is a different
> question in my opinion.
> As it is, one has to change
> function()
>   for i=1,select('#', ...) do something(select(i, ...))
> to
> local args={...}
> function()
>   for i,x in ipairs(args) do something(x)
> and this seems somewhat unelegant.

On a different tack: maybe one could optimize usage like

   for i=1,#{...} do something(({...})[i])

to not actually create tables in order not to have to use select at
all?  That would make for more consistency in a different area.
Incidentally, {...}[i] is not allowed.

David Kastrup