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--- Javier Guerra Giraldez <> wrote:
> since i couldn't find any general-enough asyncIO
> library, i settled on 
> the concept of helper threads, which resulted on HTT
> (Helper Threads 
> Toolkit).  i included as examples TCP and file I/O,
> with a simple (and 
> short) coroutine scheduler.
> the biggest downside is that it uses threads, and
> not everybody likes it
What I found about HTT is that it seems that I need to
write C routine in order to use it, if my "possible to
block" process is not just stream IO(like my example
of say I make use of luasql and issue a SQL query
which got blocked on the server side, and in that
case, I don't even has the chance to yield from lua).

And thread seems to be a natural solution for this
situation. Or like PA, just multiplex a seperate
process which in general is isolated and
self-contained(typical web request like).

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