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--- Ketmar Dark <> wrote:
> and you can create new socket object, :close() it
> and than do :setfd()
> on it with fd you want to pass to select(). this is
> a hack, but it
> works. just don't forget to do :setfd(-1) then, or
> LuaSocket will
> happily close this fd when GC will free your socket
> object.
I know about this hack but it is COPAS that I
initially thought was the issue as it called
skt:receive/skt:send where if I use a luasocket
object(through this hack), the send and receive is not
my xyssl one which is needed.

But I have gone through luasocket again and found that
it doesn't check for object type when doing select(),
it just call skt:getfd() so I just need to implement
that call in my object.

sorry for the false alarm.

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