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After a quick search, it seemed that no free coverage analysis tools
were available for Lua, so I figured it would be simple enough to roll
my own using the debug library (and indeed it was). I thought this
could be useful for other people as well, so here it is:

It's written in pure Lua 5.1 and has no dependencies. More info at its homepage.

I needed it for testing LuaRocks, so I just focused on something to
run on Lua scripts. Haven't tested it at all in Lua code loaded from C
programs and the like, but it may be usable there as well. In any
case, any feedback and contributions are welcome to improve it. (In
particular, I'm not very pleased with the way I'm detecting program
termination to write the stats file -- I hooked a __gc method to a
global userdata. Any suggestions for a better way?) The tool is
working well enough for my needs, but I'll gladly apply any

-- Hisham