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Hi everyone ... first, apologies if the question been asked before, as i'm fairly new to LUA ! :)
I've read all the list archives, but didn't find anything useful.
Shortly :
I compiled LUA VM ( 5.1.2 ) with LCC-Win32 and no problems at all ...
Had the regular testing scheme, executing al the scripts around, and it works.
Now comes the hard part: using Lua libraries ! I'm definately trying to use LuaSocket, but have come to a dead end at each of my tries.
I almost always end up with 'Dynamic Libraires Not enabled' message. As soon as i enable this, and try to load LuaSocket,
the Lua VM complains not to find Lua51.dll ...
So as i understand this enables dynamic loading for every lib, including the Lua Core lib .... which i don't want ! I'd like regular static version of the libs ( and compiling the luasocket sources with the Lua Vm doens't make it either )
So clearly, has anyone a clear guide / howto of using / including libraries with Lua5.1 please ?
or any hints on how fix this issue ?
Many thx,
kohai [ pardon my english, i'm a  french pal :]